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It can be so daunting and overwhelming choosing the right counsellor when you need someone to talk to and share your feelings to building up trust with someone you don't know. I can offer you that safe place to explore your Experiences, offering unconditional positive regard in a non Judgmental relaxing environment.
Counselling allows the Freedom to be You in a safe space. Its pure Self care to talk and share your feelings. Your Trauma is valid, even if it happened along time ago. I have a wealth of Knowledge. I specialise in many fields.
I can offer you the tools to clear any trauma pain completely by guiding you in meditation to clear the memory.
Trauma. Abuse. Gambling, Drug, Alcohol issues, Bereavement.
Depression. Shame. Guilt. Low Self Worth. Anxiety Addiction. Bereavement. Mental Health. Relationship issues. Divorce.
I can Teach you EFT to help clear stuck emotions. Anxiety to help you gain more self-worth.
I am Reiki Master

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